Founded in 1908, Rogers Group, Inc. (RGI) is the largest privately-owned construction aggregate company in the United States, also offering hot mix asphalt and heavy construction services.
RGI needed to upgrade its fleet tracking to get clear visibility into driving performance and safety practices.
Using the program
- RGI selected the Lytx® Driver Safety Program because it better positioned the company to track operator driving behavior and identify risks that could lead to accident claims.
- RGI uses the technology to build and evolve a driving training program, while also incorporating driver coaching sessions.
Video’s becoming [the] industry standard [and] more prevalent.
- With the Driver Safety Program in place, RGI has increased employee productivity between 10-19%.
- The company’s seen the biggest impact in the improved safety behaviors of driving performance, including reduced collisions and increased defensive driving.
- The video-based technology has also helped exonerate RGI from false claims, saving the company thousands of dollars.