Press Release
Lytx Wins 2020 EC&M Product of the Year Award
SAN DIEGO – May 26, 2020 – Lytx®, a leading global provider of video telematics, analytics, safety and productivity solutions for commercial, public sector and field service fleets, was recognized today as a recipient of the 2020 EC&M Product of the Year award. Lytx was awarded Product of the Year in the Fleet Management Equipment category for the SF300 DriveCam® Event Recorder.
Lytx’s SF300 is a state-of-the-art event recorder that goes beyond traditional dash cams by pairing machine vision with artificial intelligence (MV+AI) to accurately identify and categorize risk, including distracted driving. Earlier this year, Lytx released new AI triggers for distracted driving and other high-risk behaviors, including cellphone use, food or drink, not wearing a seatbelt and driver smoking. With this update, the SF300 is able to detect when a driver is exhibiting these behaviors in near-real time, independent of other triggers or other driving events. Lytx clients across all industries are able to receive an accurate view of risk with greater than 95% accuracy across more than 60 risky driving behaviors.
Awarded by Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M) magazine, the EC&M Awards honor groundbreaking products from the past year that have improved safety and efficiency in the industry, as well as allowed electrical design professionals, installers, and maintenance personnel to perform their jobs more effectively. The final Product of the Year winners in the Platinum, Gold, and Silver categories will be determined by EC&M readers. To view category winners and cast your vote, visit https://www.ecmweb.com/product-sourcing-supply/product-of-the-year/media-gallery/21131485/vote-now-for-ecms-2020-product-of-the-year.
About Lytx
Lytx® is a leading provider of video telematics, analytics, safety and productivity solutions for commercial and public sector fleets. Our unrivaled Driver Safety Program, powered by our best-in-class DriveCam® Event Recorder, is proven to help save lives and reduce risk. We harness the power of video to help clients see what happened in the past, manage their operations more efficiently in the present and improve driver behavior to change the future. Our customizable services and programs span driver safety, risk detection, fleet tracking, compliance and fuel management. Using the world’s largest driving database of its kind, along with proprietary machine vision and artificial intelligence technology, we help protect and connect thousands of fleets and more than one million drivers worldwide. For more information, visit www.lytx.com, @lytx on Twitter, LinkedIn, our Facebook page, or our YouTube channel.
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